Many times, I told my dad, “I Hate You” [well in my head]. I often do this ...
The Blogs
Hi ‘dad’, we hope you are doing well.This letter serves not to cause trouble but to simply ...
"You're going to be a father" (I remembered the first time I heard those words). I froze. ...
Father wounds are damaging. They are deeper than physical wounds. When you as a father, do not ...
Being a Jamaican, the term dads refer to top-notch, or boss material...many men apply it to being ...

BY JOSEPH CUNNINGHAMAdvocate for Conviction, Humility, Awareness, Integrity, Growth & Empowerment Jamaica (Advocate for CHANGE Jamaica) has ...

Asheki Spooner, executive director of Advocate for C.H.A.N.G.E Jamaica, a non-profit organisation, has embarked on a mission ...